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Here are reports related to civic engagement projects and initiatives at Illinois State University.

National Survey of Student Engagement

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) collects information about first-year and senior students' participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college. University Assessment Services has several longitudinal analyses of NSSE data on their website. The Center for Civic Engagement surveys all ISU undergraduate students every other year using the civic engagement module from NSSE. 

NSSE Civic Engagement Module Findings - Spring 2023   NSSE 2023 Civic Engagement Module Results - Power BI dashboard (ISU access only)

NSSE Civic Engagement Module Findings - Spring 2021

NSSE Civic Engagement Qualitative Findings - Spring 2019

Voter Engagement Plans and Final Reports

Voter Friendly Campus badge 2023-2024


Illinios State University has received the Voter Friendly Campus designation for 2023-24. The University first received the designation in March 2021, following the creation of the 2020 Voter Engagement Plan. Since then, the Coalition has developed and submitted plans to the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge and received the Highly Established Action Plan Seal for the 2024 election cycle. See this news article for information for more information about the seal. Both the 2022 and 2024 plans are listed on the Voter Engagement Coalition page

Student Voting Rate

The following reports from the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) provide a comprehensive overview of the student voting rates at Illinois State University.

2022 Midterm Election   2020 Presidential Election   2018 Midterm Election   2016 Presidential Election   2014 Midterm Election

Data from these reports has been combined into an interactive dashboard accessible by anyone with an ISU Office 365 login. 

ISU Student Voting Rates 2014-2022: Power BI Dashboard (ISU access only)

Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement

Illinois State University is a selected member of the National Association for Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement initiative. For 2018–2019 school year, Illinois State served as a Lead Advisory Institution. CLDE institutions are expected to annually report on the civic activities happening on campus through the Division of Student Affairs. A corresponding report was developed in 2020 to follow up on recommendations in the 2019 report.

Read the 2019 CLDE Report   Read the 2020 CLDE Report

Community Partner Survey Report

The Center for Civic Engagement conducted a survey of Bloomington-Normal nonprofit organizations in fall 2017 to better understand the relationships and experiences organizations have with Illinois State University as well as guide future work to grow and formalize the institution's service learning practices.

Read the Community Partner Survey Report

Civic Action Plan

As an institutional member of Campus Compact, Illinois State University President Larry Dietz signed the 30th Anniversary Action Statement along with 450 other presidents and chancellors. This statement including the five commitments, was developed to reaffirm the public purpose of higher education. As such, Illinois State University committed to developing, in academic year 2016-17, a Civic Action Plan that aligned with the five commitments, tailored to our campus and community. The final version of the Civic Action Plan submitted to Campus Compact is presented below.

Read the Civic Action Plan

Task Force Report

In his September 18, 2014, State of the University Address, President Larry Dietz called for the establishment of a Center for Civic Engagement to further strengthen Illinois State University’s commitment to the value and importance of civic engagement. A Task Force, comprised of representatives from Academic Affairs and Student Affairs was formed in January 2015. The following report is the executive summary produced by the task force, ultimately leading to the creation of the Center.

Read the Task Force Report

2017-2018 Engagement Reports

The Center for Civic Engagement compiled reports of curricular and co-curricular engagement for the 2017-2018 academic year. Data used in the reports was collected from University faculty and staff during the late spring, summer, and early fall 2018. Other preexisting data sources were also used during compilation.

Interested in terminology? Browse the definitions of different engagement types used within these and other reports from the Center.