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Upcoming Courses

The following courses are affiliated with the Civic Engagement and Responsibility Minor.

Courses in the Civic Engagement and Responsibility Minor develop students' civic knowledge, skills, attitudes, and applications, and provide opportunities for students to reflect upon how course content supports their development as civically engaged community members. These courses explicitly link civic engagement to course content and contribute to student learning outcomes in at least two of the four civic engagement learning domains listed in the Civic Engagement and Responsibility Minor learning outcomes

To view a list of all courses currently eligible as electives for the minor, visit the online course catalog.

In consultation with their advisor, teacher education majors interested in urban teacher preparation are recommended to choose four courses (12 credit hours) from the minor that have an urban education focus (only one course at the 100 level can be taken).  To view a list of all courses currently eligible as electives in the urban education concentration, visit the online course catalog.

Required Courses Offered in Fall 2025

Catalog Number Course Title Section Number Faculty Member
IDS 125 Foundations Of Citizenship: Introduction To Civic Responsibility 001 Rachel Waring-Sparks
IDS 398.02 Professional Practice: Service Learning Experience In Civic Engagement 001 Paige Buschman
POL 101 Citizens and Governance 001 Sherri Replogle

Electives Offered in Fall 2025

Note: more courses may be added!

Catalog Number Course Title Section Number Faculty Member

CJS 102

Individuals, Society, and Justice 


Jeffrey Walsh

COM 272

Communication, Culture, and Difference in American Society


Blessing Okafor

COM 272

Communication, Culture, and Difference in American Society


Blessing Okafor

COM 272

Communication, Culture, and Difference in American Society


Steve Rahko

COM 272

Communication, Culture, and Difference in American Society


Steve Rahko

COM 274

Environmental Communication


Mary Beth Deline

COM 304

Freedom of Speech and Press


Fernando Severino

COM 375

Communication and Leadership


Jessica Rick

EAF 228

Social Foundations of Education 


Kathleen O'Brien

EAF 228

Social Foundations of Education 


Kathleen O'Brien

EAF 228

Social Foundations of Education 


Kathleen O'Brien

HIS 328

The Modern Civil Rights Movement, 1933-1968


Touré Reed

LAN 320

World Language Teaching In The K-12 Setting


Mary Tackett

MUS 153

Black Music I


Nana Hemaa Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum

POL 106

United States Government And Civic Practices


Sherri Replogle

POL 106

United States Government And Civic Practices


Erik Rankin

POL 221

U.S. State And Local Government


Lori Riverstone

POL 222

Urban Politics And Problems


Lori Riverstone

POL 225

Women in Politics


Julie Webber

POL 312

Public Opinion


Carl Palmer

POL 339

Youth Politics


Julie Webber

PSY 213

Lifespan Development


Alycia Hund

PSY 213

Lifespan Development


Laura Finan

PSY 213

Lifespan Development


Jacey Griffith

PSY 302

Adolescent Development


Jacqueline Cerda-Smith

SED 205

Family, Professional, and Community Collaboration


Lisa Thanos-Harrod

SOC 241

People In Places: Understanding & Developing Community


Frank Beck

SOC 333

Political Sociology: Power, Culture & Change


Richard Sullivan

THE 154

Introduction To Black Drama And Theatre


Le'Mil Eiland


Recent Electives

Click here to view a list of courses tagged with the "Civic Engagement and Responsibility" attribute in recent semesters.

Finding courses with the Civic Engagement attribute

To find a class with the Civic Engagement attribute, you will need to search for the course first. For example, in the search bar, type "TCH 205" or "205." A list of those courses will be displayed, then at that point additional search criteria will appear on the left-hand side. (You might need to scroll down to the bottom of those search options to find the Class Attributes section.)

screenshot of the course catalog system

The Civic Engagement attribute will only appear as an option if one of the classes/sections being searched has that attribute applied to it.

If you select that Civic Engagement option, it will bring up the exact section(s) with that attribute for you to select and enroll in.