The following books, articles, frameworks, and websites highlight different aspects of community engagement and partnering with a university.
Active Citizen Continuum
Often used to describe the student experience on an alternative break trip, the Active Citizen Continuum breaks down how a student can be personally transformed through community service.

Building Partnerships for Service-Learning.
Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Jossey-Bass. 2003.
Building Partnerships for Service-Learning is the essential guide for taking service-learning partnerships to the next level. This book is filled with tools for partnerships to succeed including frameworks for sustainable partnerships, assessment, and campus dynamics and departments as well as the role of service-learning in civic renewal.
Community Campus Partnerships for Health
CCPH offers resources and knowledge to support partnerships between community organizations (primarily focused on health equity) and academic institutions.

Community Partner Guide To Campus Collaborations.
Christine M. Cress, Stephanie T. Stokamer, and Joyce P. Kaufman.
Stylus Publishing. 2015.
Whether your organization is new to university partnerships or has experience with interns and volunteers, this book highights the possibilities and pitfalls of community-campus collaborations. Using easy to understand language, Community Partner Guide To Campus Collaboration helps to demystify higher education.
Distinguishing Among Service Programs
This short article breaks down volunteerism, community service, service-learning, field education, and internship explaining the differences between each experiential learning opportunity.
Five Critical Elements of Meaningful Community Service (Campus Outreach Opportunity League)
This framework explains the five elements crucial to effective community service design.
Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning
MJCSL is an open-access journal focusing on research, theory, pedagogy, and other matters related to academic service-learning, campus-community partnerships, and engaged/public scholarship in higher education.
Partnerships: A Journal of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement
Partnerships recognizes that successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, administrators, disciplines, and more. The articles in this peer-reviewed journal focus on how theories and practices can inform and improve such partnerships, connections, and collaborations.

Service-Learning Essentials: Questions, Answers, and Lessons Learned.
Barbara Jacoby. Jossey-Bass. 2014.
Service-Learning Essentials breaks down service-learning into all its components: critical reflection, partnerships, curricular and co-curricular experiences, assessment, administration, challenges, and the future.
Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice
Develop by the National Youth Leadership Council, Service Learning Standard for Quality Practice breakdown the eight standards into clear indicators for effectice service learning.
Youth Engagement Continuum
The Youth Engagement Continuum helps situate youth-led social change ultimately benefiting communities as well as the personal development of the individual.