The following toolkits are available for faculty and staff use at the Center for Civic Engagement.
Campus partners
For additional resources and opportunities to partner, please visit: Center for Integrated Professional Development

The Engaged Department Toolkit
Battistoni, R.M., Gelmon, S.B., Saltmarsh, J., Wergin, J., Zlotkowski, E. (2003)
Boston, Massachusetts: Campus Compact
This toolkit is designed to help departments strengthen and act upon their commitment to public work by hosting or participating in an Engaged Department Institute. This toolkit has three distinct uses: it can be used as a guide and a blueprint for hosting an institute; it is also designed to be used as the "curriculum" for the institute; and finally the toolkit is intended to as a resource that the teams attending an institute bring back to their department as an aid for institutionalizing engagement in the department.

The Complete Guide to Service Learning
Berger Kaye, Cathryn. (2004)
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Free Spirit Publishing
This project-based guide is a blueprint for service learning—from getting started to assessing the experience—and integrates the K–12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice. It provides ideas for incorporating literacy into service learning and suggestions for creating a culture of service. An award-winning treasury of activities, ideas, annotated book recommendations, author interviews, and expert essays—all presented within a curricular context and organized by theme. Digital Content contains all of the planning and tracking forms from the book plus bonus service learning plans, and more.

Introduction to Service-Learning Toolkit. Readings and Resources for Faculty. (2nd ed.)
Boston, Massachusetts: Campus Compact (2003)
This second edition of the Introduction to Service-Learning Toolkit: Readings and Resources for Faculty brings together the best, most up-to-date writing and resources on service-learning, from learning theory and pedagogy to practical guidance on how to implement service-learning in the classroom. This new edition reflects the tremendous growth in service-learning that has occurred since the first Introduction to Service-Learning Toolkit was published in 2000. In addition to updated material throughout, this volume includes expanded chapters on community partnerships, student development, and redesigning curriculum, as well as two new chapters – one exploring the connection between service learning and civic engagement and the other focusing on community-based research. Revised and expanded recommended reading lists, broken down by topic, bring readers a wealth of print and online resources for further study.

Raise your Voice. A Student Guide to Making Positive Social Change
Cone, R.E., Kiesa, A., Longo, N.V. (Eds.). (2006)
Providence, Rhode Island: Campus Compact
This hands-on guide speaks directly to student leaders seeking to improve the effectiveness of their engaged work while enhancing their academic and civic learning. Based on three years of activity in Campus Compact’s hugely successful Raise Your Voice civic action campaign, which mobilized hundreds of thousands of students across the country, this book is full of targeted strategies, tools, and activities for organizing change on campus. From holding civic dialogues to meeting with elected officials, from mapping assets and allies on campus to organizing alternative breaks, this book offers tips and step-by-step advice — from students, for students — for getting the most out of campus activity.

Educating Globally Competent Citizens. A Toolkit
Elliott-Gower, S., Falk, D.R., Shapiro, M. (Eds.) (2012)
Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
This toolkit, a product of the AASCU-supported Global Engagement Initiative, is designed to provide instructors with a framework and a variety of resources to teach some of the critical global issues that are shaping the world in which we are living, and, in doing so, provide students with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to become globally competent citizens.

Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction
Heffernan, K. (2001)
Boston, Massachusetts: Campus Compact
Service learning has grown from just a handful of schools participating in the pedagogy just a decade ago to permeate just about every discipline and every institution of higher education. There are, however, few resources for faculty to turn to for guidance on developing effective course material. Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction is based upon a review of more than 900 service-learning syllabi. It is designed to help faculty construct powerful service-learning courses or integrate the pedagogy into an existing course. Each chapter contains compelling, informative material that takes faculty from course organization to implementation, and includes actual assignments to model. Syllabi in a wide range of disciplines are also included to demonstrate how faculty have successfully integrated service-learning into their coursework.

Facilitating Political Discussions
Institute for Democracy & Higher Education
Medford, Massachusetts: Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life. Tufts University
This packet of workshop materials is designed to assist experienced facilitators in training others to facilitate politically charged conversations. To many on campuses, the scenarios within will look familiar. The materials are broken down into "modules" and facilitation trainers can use some or all of them to suit their needs.

Developing Competitive Proposals
Grants Resource Center (2009)
Washington, D.C.: American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)
The ability to secure external funding for research and service projects has become a necessary skill for many in academe. This guide is designed to help individuals understand the process by which government agencies and private foundations support research, education and service activities on our nation’s campuses. In addition, it outlines a methodical process for transforming project ideas into grant-winning proposals.

The Quickening of America. Rebuilding our Nation, Remaking our Lives.
Frances Moore Lappe, Paul Martin Du Bois (1994)
Jossey-Bass, INC. Publishers
This book highlights the role of citizens in solving public problems. Part 1 presents the insights of several successful Americans to show why the rethinking of self-interest, power, and public life is the key to bringing new meaning into the lives of Americans. Part 2 describes changes occurring across the United States, which are conceptualized as "a quickening in the evolution of democracy." It describes the efforts of citizens involved in tackling some of the country's biggest problems--in education, government, human services, employment, and the media. Examples of ways in which people have applied the concepts in part 1 are also described, with a focus on shared decision making. Part 3 examines the skills needed in order to be effective in one-on-one or group interactions. The qualities of character that can be cultivated for enhancing one's life are also discussed. The book closes with a discussion about what it means to abandon the search for any fixed model of the "good society" and embrace instead a "living democracy." Worksheets, an index, and list of resources are included. References accompany each chapter.